An exciting train ride from Connersville, IN to Indianapolis was uneventfull. The ride from Indy to Chicago was one to remember. A small tree was blown down across the train tracks. The engineer stopped in time to avoid any problems. However, it took several hours to locate a contractor with the proper equipment and insurance coverage to remove the tree from the tracks. After about six hours we received the report that the tree was safely out of the way. However, the train could not be moved until someone with the proper credentials could be located to certify that the rails had not been damaged, and the train could safely run on those tracks again. That took another two hours. We passengers were assured that we would miss our connections in Chicago, but Amtrack would put us up in a good hotel and give us food money to hold us over until our train left the next day.
We were ushered into a section of the Chicago train station where we were instructed. Then we lined up in a line that seemed two miles long to get our tickets changed to the next day, then a line to get our $25.00 food allowance and a third line to get our hotel pass. Then we waited for hours for the buses to take us to our motel, the Chicago Hillside Best Western. It was a huge motel. I don't know how they happened to have that many empty rooms. There were two bus loads of us. My room was really great. Two king-sized beds. We had dinner in the motel dining room. I slept like a log. Next morning the buses picked us up and returned us to the train station. We stood in several lines, generally the wrong line, until we were ready to board the train. We waited at gate "C" for an eternity, and then were told we only had a few minutes to board our train which was parked about a mile away. Red Caps hauled those who couldn't walk, the rest of us ran. (I was glad that I had checked my big suitcase to Lincoln, NE. I only had to carry the small one.) Finally, on the California Zephyr #5, I went to sleep and woke up in time for some food. I went to the dining car and was informed that I had no reservation. I could eat at the snack bar. I tried a DiGiorno pizza, which wasn't too bad. Then I went back to sleep and before I knew it, the conductor woke me up to get off at Lincoln, NE. It was a short trip. (About two hours late.) Amy picked me up about 3:00 am, and I zonked out in her home. Next morning I felt like a new (85 year old) man.
After breakfast, Hallie and grandpa colored pictures.

Hanna wanted to entertain grandpa a few minutes, and then we all took a nap.